Drug Discovery Services and Facilities

With facilities around the world and an unparalleled scope of capabilities in targets, platforms, and therapeutic areas, we can support your discovery programs from hit ID to IND.

  • Budapest and Szeged, Hungary

    These two sites in Budapest and Szeged, Hungary, provide world-leading in vitro ADME services with a focus on drug transporters and drug-drug interactions.

  • Cambridge and Harlow, UK

    Our facilities in Chesterford Research Park and Harlow, UK provide drug discovery services to a multitude of partners across a wide range of therapeutic areas.These collaborations cover the spectrum from small, single discipline projects to fully integrated projects involving biology, medicinal chemistry, and ADME/PK.

    Both sites have highly qualified staff with experience working across all major druggable target classes and therapeutic areas. They are considered one of our centers of excellence for integrated drug discovery.

  • Chicago, USA

    The Charles River site in Chicago was brought to our portfolio through the acquisition of SAMDI Tech, Inc. in January of 2023. Clients will now have access to SAMDI Tech’s proprietary label-free mass spectrometry (MS) platform which extends a variety of other HTS services to North America, including a compound library of over 500,000 small molecule compounds.

  • Durham, NC

    Our facility in Durham, Research Triangle Park (RTP), NC, plays an integral role in the preclinical discovery and development of new cancer therapies. The facility offers a diverse portfolio of in vivo and in vitro study formats, enabling clients to identify their most promising compounds.

  • Freiburg, Germany

    Our facility in Freiburg, Germany, is uniquely positioned to provide a comprehensive portfolio of non-GLP oncology services. A pioneer in patient-derived xenograft models, this facility now offers a wide range of in vitro and in vivo services catering to all type of cancer therapies.

  • Groningen, The Netherlands

    Our facility in Groningen, The Netherlands, offers sophisticated in vivo efficacy and pharmacokinetics testing to better understand neuroscience disease pathophysiology, and is a center of excellence for microdialysis and EEG testing.

  • High Peak, UK

    Our High Peak, UK facility is a specialist biotechnology site with proprietary Cell Microarray Technology located in the heart of the UK’s Peak District national park. This site provides unique receptor ID/off-target screening services to accelerate, inform, and improve the safety of the discovery and pre-clinical development process for clients. We are recognized as leading technology within the biotherapeutic field.

  • Kuopio, Finland

    Our facility in Kuopio, Finland, is a discovery center of excellence located in a global hub of neuroscience research. The site focuses on non-GLP in vitro and in vivo pharmacology studies. The capabilities at the site include comprehensive small animal imaging, behavioral, cognitive and physiological testing, histology services, and in vitro assays.

  • Leiden, The Netherlands

    Our facility in Leiden, The Netherlands, uses a combination of functional genomics technologies coupled with human (primary) cells to identify and validate critical proteins in disease pathways. The team has in-depth expertise both in developing and performing disease-relevant assays and in setting up complex, high quality screens.

  • Portishead, UK

    Our facility in Portishead, UK, offers world-leading expertise and capabilities in immunology, inflammation, and infectious disease drug discovery. Specialty areas include cell biology, in vivo pharmacology, bioanalytical services, clinical biomarkers, predictive immunotoxicology, and vaccine development.

  • South San Francisco, CA

    Our facility in South San Francisco specializes in antibody discovery and optimization services. The team utilizes advanced scFV and VHH libraries, as well as a multi-parameter antibody optimization platform, to expedite the discovery of therapeutic-ready lead candidates.

  • Worcester, MA

    Our facility in Worcester, MA, is focused on providing world-class in vitro ADME, in vivo PK/PD, bioanalytical and pharmacology testing services for the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Our Worcester scientists help clients expedite their drug discovery and development by providing quality data earlier in the research process via technologies and systems that increase turnaround speed well beyond industry standards.

Discovering and characterizing novel drugs depends on innovative and reliable science. Our multidisciplinary drug discovery expertise and scope of capabilities allow us to deliver data and insight clients can trust to progress.

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