CRISPR Gene Editing

CRISPR technology has also been applied to the generation of physiologically relevant cell-based assays and in vivo, validating the effect of target knock-out in the context of a living organism.

CRISPR-Cas9 used under license to granted and pending US and international patents from the Broad Institute and ERS Genomics Limited.

RNAi-based Screening

Our adenoviral technology provides an effective delivery system suitable for both transient and long-term expression in an arrayed format for high throughput readout. In addition, the FlexSelect® Collection contains over 1,900 human full-length cDNA’s that can be used to increase the expression of genes in cells. Charles River’s collections of arrayed adenoviruses are expertly applied to therapeutic areas of interest such as respiratory, inflammation, neuroscience, oncology, and rare diseases.